Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August 5th Tuesday- Another senseless loss

I have not finished writing the blog for this day, but wanted you all to know that the TE fistula baby died this morning (the 5th) around 2am. She had not been fed since birth and basically starved to death.

It saddens and angers me because this death is 100% preventable- it is the lack of emergent care from the initial hospital coupled with the lack of resources and TPN program that led to this child's senseless death; unfortunately she will not be the last to perish before this program is fully instituted. I have a heavy heart today but am emboldened in my effort to get the TPN program up and running. To see an example of the very thing we are trying to prevent has given me even more resolve than before.

This incident highlights once again the amazing potential that the TPN program can have- thank you all for supporting me with this effort.

1 comment:

marvtink said...


Megan and I are reading your latest blog with tears in our eyes. We probably would not even have heard of this tragedy on network news as Britney"s escapades are deemed more important. We are both praying for you and your team. Thuis has given megan even more resolve to join the Peace Corp after college.